As a team, Cargo Wagon believes it is important to actively increase the level of social responsibility. We strive to support activities and events that focus on those whose life stories are not the happiest. Therefore, we decided to talk to our colleague Nikola Bažíková, who is in charge of social responsibility. We asked her how she perceives these activities and where she sees Cargo Wagon’s strength and opportunities to help.
At Cargo Wagon, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not just an empty phrase but a key element of our company culture. Are you interested in who and how we support? Learn more about our CSR strategy in an interview with Nikola Bažíková.
As a team at Cargo Wagon, we believe it is important to actively increase the level of social responsibility. We strive to support activities and events aimed at those whose life stories are not the happiest. Charity is an important element of our corporate culture and a natural need for many of us. Therefore, we decided to talk to our colleague Nikola Bažíková, who not only takes care of office operations, employee education, and development but also social responsibility. We asked her how she perceives these activities and where she sees Cargo Wagon’s strength and opportunities to help.
On what basis do you propose the organizations you want to support?
Firstly, I would like to point out that social support is embedded in our internal guidelines, showing its importance and priority. We believe it is important for the company’s employees to participate in decisions regarding these activities. Cargo Wagon supports every employee’s initiative to help or engage in charitable or otherwise beneficial activities.
Therefore, the initial idea was to support those who have had a tough life. The initial suggestions for organizations came from colleagues who proposed various non-profits or charitable associations we could help. Their list included children’s homes, senior facilities, shelters, and various charitable activities.
Nikola Bažíková
HR & CSR Manager
Nikola takes care of our employees, recruits new colleagues, and ensures the smooth running of the office. She started her journey at Cargo Wagon during her studies and has since become part of the team as an office manager. Over time, her role expanded into the area of CSR activities, which today form an integral part of the company’s identity. These activities are proof of our employees’ commitment to a common cause.
How do you choose them after all?
Every year, I prepare two types of questionnaires for our employees, summarizing all their suggestions. One focuses on organizations we would like to support regularly throughout the year. The other selects those to which we want to donate 1% of taxes. Based on internal voting, we chose a children’s home, a senior facility, and a shelter located in Trnava. We focused on this city and its surroundings because we live and work here. We also took the opportunity to donate 1% of taxes and supported the non-profit organization Plamienok, the Tamara Shelter, and the Rescue System Slovakia (Záchranný systém Slovensko).
How do you help them?
Most often, these are material or financial donations. I always first contact the selected organizations, informing them that we have chosen to support them. We then agree together on what type of help would be most effective for them. It often includes school supplies for the children’s home, hygiene products for seniors, or food for the shelter. We ensure everything is arranged, prepared, and delivered. We also try to involve our employees in these activities and later inform those who could not attend the event.
In the case of the 1% tax donation, it is a financial contribution that the tax administration transfers to the selected organization’s account, which then manages the donation according to its needs.
What feedback do you get from these organizations?
I must admit that the feedback is always very pleasant. For example, we received photos of how they furnished a room for abused women and children. Or they send us drawings from children or other works.
Another beautiful example is the Rescue System Slovakia, which bought a drone with a thermal camera with our contribution. Thanks to this, they managed to find more than one missing person.
How else are you involved in social activities?
There are many activities, both internally and as part of society-wide beneficial actions. Regarding internal support, I would like to mention the doubling of financial contributions. In practice, this means that if our employee decides to financially support a public collection, the company contributes the same amount. We also regularly donate blood. In addition, we participate in various nationwide actions such as Our City. This year we helped paint the interior of a community center in Trnava. We also participate annually in the beautiful project How Much Love Fits into a Shoebox, which allows us to bring joy to lonely seniors and make their Christmas season more enjoyable.
In conclusion, we would like to remind and highlight the importance of socially responsible business, not only towards our surroundings but also globally. Therefore, we firmly believe that this article has inspired you to do similar activities.